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Terms and conditions

The Pensions Regulator (TPR), is the manager of the website, and may make changes to the content of the website at any time without notice.

By accessing TPR’s online services you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions, which apply to the services we provide and our websites. More information on how TPR processes personal data can be found in our privacy notice.

Linking policy

Our policy on linking to and from this website.

Linking to this site

We welcome and encourage other websites to link to the information that is hosted on these pages, and you don’t have to ask permission to link to our website. However, you should not suggest that your website is or contents are associated with, or endorsed by, The Pensions Regulator.

Linking from this site

We choose to link to external websites for the following reasons:

  • it’s a government service or website
  • you can only complete a task using a third party website, eg choosing a pension scheme
  • for further information or advice we cannot or do not provide

Our website offers links to other websites – they enable you to leave the TPR website. We do not control the linked websites and we are not responsible for their contents, with exception of:


We provide these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply our endorsement of the website or the promotion of any other organisation, or their products, services, trademarks, activities or opinions.

We don’t accept submissions or requests for links to external websites. Our research is based on search terms and we undertake independent evaluations of available websites to populate our external link suggestions.

All links from our sites are editorially relevant to the page they are linking from and are suitable for the likely audience. External links are reviewed and varied on an ongoing basis, according to editorial relevance.

If you find broken, outdated or inappropriate external links you can report these to us, via our on-page feedback form, so that we can check, update, replace or remove them.

We will not normally link to sites that are not free to access. We will not link to external sites in return for donations or any other consideration in kind. Some of our external links may refer to websites that offer commercial services, such as training courses, but we do not link directly to commercial pages unless it is helpful to the user in the context of their visit to our website.

If we are giving advice or general information about the subject and wish to refer to an organisation and there is a range of organisations working in the field, we normally link to the other significant organisations working in the field as well.

We will consider the suitability of linking to other sites with regards to their accessibility, privacy and GDPR policies. 

Hardware and software compatibility

We do not guarantee that this website will be compatible with all or any hardware and software which you may use or that this website will be available all the time or at any specific time.

Virus protection

We make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise for you to run an anti-virus program on all material downloaded from the internet.

Registering for our online services

To register for our online services you must provide us with a working email address and a password. You agree to keep your password secret and safe.

Your use of the services may require you to provide your own email address and email addresses for and on behalf of trustees / managers, scheme return contacts and others. In doing so, you confirm your own willingness to receive notices, notifications and other documents electronically and you should ensure that those whose email addresses you are providing are also willing to receive notices, notifications and other documents from TPR electronically.

However, if you are using an email address that can be accessed by multiple users, those who have access to that email address and password are jointly responsible for keeping the sign up details secure.

The services are:

  • Exchange: a service which allows you to view information online (scheme information and Levy invoices), to send information electronically (scheme returns and corrections to scheme information), to tell us about any material payment failures for defined contribution schemes (maintaining contributions) and to receive information electronically from TPR (issuance of levy invoices to designated contacts and the scheme return notice).
  • Education portals: services providing online learning for trustees and others to increase their pensions knowledge and understanding.
  • Automatic enrolment declaration of compliance: a service allowing employers to complete the required declaration with TPR when they have automatically enrolled certain workers into a pension scheme.
  • Trustee appointment requests: an online service for submitting trustee appointment requests under section 7(3)(b) of the Pensions Act 1995.

Exchange registration

When you sign up for Exchange you agree to provide your name, postal address, email address and telephone number. You also agree to submit a number of security questions with answers.

Your use of the services may require you to provide your own email address and email addresses for and on behalf of trustees / managers, scheme return contacts and others. In doing so, you confirm your own willingness to receive notices, notifications and other documents electronically and you should ensure that those whose email addresses you are providing are also willing to receive notices, notifications and other documents from TPR electronically.

You may change any of your user sign up details. You may also request to be removed as a user.

If you need access to a scheme for the first time, you will need to contact the scheme trustees who can grant you access by logging into the scheme on Exchange and selecting 'manage who can access this scheme online'. They will need your email address to complete the association of the scheme.

Education portals registration

When you sign up for the education portals, you will be asked to provide information which includes your name, the type of trustee you are (if you are a trustee), your role if you’re not a trustee, the type of scheme and an email address.

This information allows us to provide you with a development record and will inform you of any future releases of the e-learning programme and encourage you to complete the learning programme.

Automatic enrolment declaration of compliance

When you sign up for automatic enrolment declaration you will be asked to provide information which includes your name, contact details, your letter code as provided to you by TPR and details relating to your company.

Use our declaration of compliance checklist (PDF, 686kb, 2 pages) to find out what information you'll need to provide.

You can read our full automatic enrolment declaration of compliance terms and conditions.

Trustee appointment requests

When you use the trustee appointment requests service you will be asked to enter member and / or third party details as well as information relating to the scheme and company that the request relates to.

Variation to terms and conditions

By accepting these terms and conditions you agree that we may:

  • Use the services for any part of our dealings with you in relation to any of the services you are signed up for.
  • Change, withdraw or add to the services and the website (or their features) or change the way in which you may access the services, all without notice.
  • Revise these terms and conditions from time to time as we develop the service. You will be notified of any changes via the email address provided on sign up or via a notification on our website. The changes will apply to the use of our website and services after we have given notice.

If you do not wish to accept the new terms and conditions you should not continue to use the services. If you continue to use the services after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the services indicates your agreement to be bound by the new terms and conditions.

You can view our terms and conditions at any time by selecting the 'terms and conditions' link on our website.

Contact between you and TPR

We will normally use your email address to communicate with you. Alternatively we may contact you using your postal address and telephone number.

Please note that sending information by email is not secure and is done so at your own risk.

Copyright and intellectual property

The services and website and all the materials contained in it are protected by intellectual property rights, including copyright, and either belong to the regulator or are licensed to it to use. Materials include, but are not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance, graphics and documents on the website, as well as other content.

We have made the services and website available to you for your own personal non-commercial use. We may modify, withdraw or deny access to this website at any time.

Any use of materials on this website including but not limited to reproduction for any purpose and modification, distribution or republication should acknowledge the regulator as the source and will be subject to intellectual property rights that attach to such materials.

The education portals – the information provided in modules, tutorials and other learning resources on this website are provided solely as an educational tool.


Whilst every effort is made by the regulator (and its authorised subcontractors) to keep secure information submitted to you, you accept the risk that data transmitted electronically via this website or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching its intended destination or accessed by unauthorised third parties and may be exploited unlawfully by such parties.

We are not liable for any harm, loss or damage, howsoever caused, occasioned to you from using these services.

Social media policies

Facebook policy

We have created our Facebook page for you to ‘like’ and discuss topics relating to the regulation of work-based pension schemes in the UK.

We encourage discussion between our followers however we may not be able to provide individual responses via Facebook. Some queries may be diverted to our dedicated response channels, for example, for Freedom of Information Act queries.

Discussions are monitored by our Facebook page managers and they may direct a query through existing communication channels where appropriate.

We do not encourage or endorse any commercial or third party promotions that appear on our Facebook page.

Facebook availability

We will update and monitor our Facebook page during office hours, 9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Facebook is operated and maintained by Facebook, an independent third party corporation. TPR accepts no responsibility for lack of or interruptions to service or other technical difficulties arising due to Facebook's own downtime.

Our Facebook terms of membership

If you choose to connect to our Facebook page we ask that you adhere to the terms listed below:

  • be respectful of other users of the page
  • stay on topic and do not post content that is unrelated to the purpose of this page
  • do not use language that is offensive, inflammatory or provocative
  • do not post material if you know or suspect that doing so may breach the law
  • do not register more than one user account per person
  • do not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or an organisation
  • do not attempt to log on using another person’s account
  • please provide truthful and accurate submissions (do not provide submissions where you are not sure of their truthfulness or factual accuracy)
  • do not make any commercial endorsement or promotion of any product, service or publication

Failure to adhere will result in your postings being removed and could result in your access to our pages being blocked.

X policy

The @TPRgovuk X account is managed by the digital marketing team, on behalf of colleagues across TPR. The information we provide is for guidance only and should not be taken as a definitive interpretation of the law.

We may use some automation (such as tools that generate tweets from RSS feeds). If you follow us, you can expect between five and ten tweets a day covering the following:

  • alerts about new content on our website (including updates to codes and guidance)
  • information on key speaker engagements
  • attendance of events, press releases, blog postings


Review of our follower list is limited. We may automatically follow back accounts that aren’t spam. Being followed back is not, and does not imply, endorsement of any kind.

X availability

We will update and monitor our X account during office hours 9am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. X may occasionally be unavailable and TPR accepts no responsibility for lack of or interruptions to service or other technical difficulties arising due to any period of X downtime.

@Replies and direct messages

We welcome feedback and ideas from all our followers however we may not be able to reply individually to the messages we receive via X.

The digital media team reads all @replies and direct messages and ensures that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant teams within TPR.

We cannot engage in issues that are outside TPR's statutory remit or respond to questions or comments where it would be inappropriate for TPR as a public authority to do so.

We may conduct X question and answer (Q and A) sessions to help answer industry questions. During these sessions we will not respond to questions which are off the topic being discussed and we will not engage with any persons who use these sessions to target TPR with statements or questions TPR considers inappropriate. Any accounts using the Q and A session to direct abusive comments to TPR will be blocked and reported. 

The usual ways of contacting TPR for official correspondence and those enquiries requiring a response are detailed in contact us.